Represent the built environment with ease.

Start creating with a few clicks. Refine your idea in minutes. See actionable project data as you work.

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Drawing Accurately

Smart Geometry

Flow Builder



Mixed Purpose Floors


Core & Shell

You can build Anything in Giraffe! Here are some examples:

Core & Shell

Core & Shell

Wrap Development

Wrap Development

Podium Development

Podium Development

Mixed-Use Development

Mixed-Use Development

Building Tool

The Building tool shortcuts to all of the Building Usages in your project template.

Buildings count toward FAR/FSR.


Drawing Methods

Giraffe offers 3 methods of generating building geometry:


Click the tool in the draw palette, then select the Usage you would like to apply.

drw bld 1.png

Click once to initiate the shape and a second time to define the width. Pull to specify the length. Click to end tool command.

gi 4 rectangle.gif

<aside> 💡 For precise distances, type a number on the keyboard, and hit enter. Learn more about Drawing Accurately
