Internet is one of the biggest inventions of the century. I don't think there is any other invention that is as useful as the internet. My idea of usefulness is something that we use daily and that thing is making our lives simpler. Internet, in many ways, has not just changed my life but also my thinking process. And in today's blog, that's what I'm going to share with you. So, without further ado, let's go.

1. Learned english

The very first thing that comes to my mind is English. I don't think I would have learned English if I didn't have the internet. Forget about my school teaching me, because I came from a government school and I don't think I need to explain to you the quality of education we get there. Even when I was in a private school, I only learned how to read English. But when it comes to spoken English, it doesn't help unless you are schooling from some very good schools like DPS or convent schools. I don't know even that school too teach you or not but I think it atleast gives you an environment to learn. But the normal school lacks in providing you that environment. So whatever english I know is all because of internet however, I'm frickin bad at grammar after writing I can't think to post it directly without taking help of tools to correct my grammatical errors.

2. Learning new things that school doesn't teach.

In line with the first point, there are so many other things that school doesn't teach you. Whatever information I have about technology, phones (earlier I used to be a phone geek), politics, law, and so many other things is because of the internet. I've learned so much from the internet. I'm so grateful to the internet for these things. I can't imagine what I would be if I didn't have internet access. I would be like my village brother who is now struggling to find work because his knowledge level is not that good compared to city boys. You might say, par internetto sab jagah haina ("But internet is everywhere, right?") Yeah, but it's only now reaching villages after Jio came. But even if you have internet, that doesn't simply mean you know how to use it to upskill yourself. Some use it for entertainment only.

at least 42.7% cannot read sentences in English, according to the latest Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)

25% teens in age group 14-18 can’t read grade 2 text fluently: ASER report

The survey also mapped the digital awareness of students and highlighted that 90% of all youth have a smartphone in the household and know how to use it.

3. Helped me clear CLAT

I've just cleared my CLAT exam, and that too without any coaching. What do you think, how did I do it? With books? Naah, I did it with the help of YouTube and by taking online mocks. You couldn't afford tuition, but you can afford the internet, which provides a wealth of resources to learn. And that's the beauty of the internet and online education, along with the downsides that we are well aware of, such as distractions from social media and whatnot. But yeah, the internet has really proven to be a boon for me and many other students like me to clear entrance exams or any other competitive exams, all from the comfort of home. Online education has literally simplified so many things for me. If I don't understand what my teacher had taught I can learn it from youtube.

4. Personality development

When I look back at myself, I realize that I used to be asimple guy who didn't know anything until the internet came into my hands. The internet has transformed my personality. Now, I don't feel like "ki mujhe toh kuch nahi aata yaar" (I don't know anything). I do blogging and I have done podcasting for some time, although not that good, but it has transformed my personality. I am way more confident now than before. I have tried so many things and learned how to talk by watching videos and observing how people talk and how they use hand movements. Perhaps there is so much more to learn.

5. Social Networking

This is another aspect for which I'm so grateful to the internet. I actually don't have any friends, like real friends, nearby my home or in school. They are mostly classmates rather than friends. But the internet has helped me take care of my loneliness. I have networked with so many new people, made new friends, and met so many nice individuals online. It has filled the gap to some extent with online friends. Nevertheless, the gap can never be completely filled with online connections. The friends who are physically near you (offline friends) are the real gems.