Before submitting a list of businesses without a website, Knocker goes through the following steps:

  1. Local businesses discovery Based on the location and business types provided by a user, Knocker will first find businesses matching those two criteria, regardless of whether it has a website or not
  2. Social media discovery and contact details cross-checking Knocker will try to find the associated Google Business page, Facebook Profile and Yelp profile for each business found, to verify contact details provided (phone number, address etc...) and operate a first step of filtering; social pages can indeed show a link to a website.
  3. URL health check If a social media page indicates a website, the website URL is checked to make sure it is valid and working (not HTTP 400 error).
  4. Google and Bing Web Search Knocker does a web search on Google and Bing for businesses for which social pages could not help find an existing website. Each web search result is given a score, reflecting how likely it could be the website of the found business. Web search results with high score go through a second step, which consists in exploring the HTML content to look for contact details related to the business. These different steps are very efficient to find a small business' website.
  5. Final Sanitizing Even if a business passes successfully all previous steps, we additionally apply some in-house sanitizing recipe, to make sure for instance the business is not permanently closed or is legit (enough reviews, rating, public online pictures etc ...)