If your content is still under review by our team, you can easily edit your audio file in Stem by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to MY CONTENT on your Stem Dashboard
  2. Navigate to UNDER REVIEW
  3. Select EDIT on the release you would like to update and make your desired changes.

Note: Don’t forget to hit SUBMIT once you are finished making changes.

If you need to edit your release AFTER it has been approved, the uploader must submit an edit request in Stem. Please note the request must come from the uploader to be processed.

To submit an edit request on an approved or released piece of content, please complete the following steps after logging into your Stem account:


  1. Navigate to MY CONTENT
  2. Select the release you wish to edit
  3. On the top right, select EDIT

Complete the form to the best of your ability and hit 'Submit.'

Please note that edits on approved content can take 7-10 business days to be completed.

Special Considerations:

Stem FAQs