
When meetings have been generated, the event organizer will be in touch to inform you to log in to the platform and view your provisional meetings schedule.

During the provisional meeting period, you can get in touch with the event organizer and provide feedback for the meetings and if you would like to make any changes; therefore schedules are subject to minor changes. Once the provisional period is over, you will receive an email from the event organizer to view your finalized meetings.

Grip tips 💡

Viewing Your Meeting Schedule

Once logged in, your full meeting schedule will automatically appear. If you navigate around the platform, you can always click on the left hand navigation item 'My Schedule' to bring up your meetings.

When viewing your meetings, you can filter by:

  1. Scheduled: This is a scheduled meeting that both parties have accepted
  2. Pending: Someone has requested a meeting with you and you need to approve it, decline it or reschedule it
  3. Awaiting response: You have requested a meeting with someone and they need to approve it, decline it or reschedule it
  4. Declined: The meeting has been declined by you and/or the other person


Editing Your Meeting Schedule

If you wish to change or remove a meeting, please contact the event organizer about your request.


This stage has been summarized in the short video below. For step by step instructions, please continue to scroll through the article: