Thank you for helping us test Sizzle in these early stages. In order to use this test version of Sizzle, there are a few important things you need to know in order to get set up.

  1. The Sizzle Test Fork

Since Sizzle is just in a test version IT IS IMPORTANT that you are setup to use our test fork. This is to make sure that there is no real financial value tied to your testing of this platform, so that your crypto assets are not at risk. If you are not connected to our test fork (forked off Ethereum on 2023-12-10 12:30 PST), you will see this banner.


Connecting to the Sizzle Test Fork: In order to connect to the Sizzle Test Fork, you will need to add a network to your Ethereum wallet. For example, if using Metamask, you will need to Add a Network with the information for our test fork and then click “Save”:

Network Name: Bool Test Fork


Chain ID: 1227

Currency Symbol: bETH

You can also follow this video:


Now, once you have added this network, you will just need to switch your wallet to this network whenever you want to test the Sizzle platform.

2. What can I do/test on Sizzle

Sizzle is a platform to allow you to do all of your DeFi deeds in one place. One of the coolest things we have built so far is the ability to watch not just individual tokens, but also to watch and compare the returns that are currently available for those tokens across our supported protocols, giving you a quick “at-a-glance” view of the potential out there for each token.

But we are still in the very early stages and are still expanding our support for protocols and functionality. Currently, Sizzle allows you to view and manage any positions on Aave (Supply, Borrow, Repay, Withdraw) as well as to Swap tokens on Uniswap and provide liquidity by creating new Uniswap V3 Positions for liquidity pools. We are still working on implementing the functionality to be able to manage your existing Uniswap Liquidity Pool Positions.

(Note: Unclaimed Fees on Uniswap will not display correctly when using the Test Fork because we have not connected our test fork to an indexer like the Graph. This should only effect positions created on the Test Fork, as existing positions created on Mainnet before 2023-12-10 12:30 PST will use data from the Graph)

Additionally, we are hoping to finish adding support for Lido liquid staking in the near future. And we are always looking for more protocols to add, so if there are protocols you’d love to see here, let us know!