Japanese / 日本語

Background Poppin is a resident of a world called "Poppinland." They eat food called "Popbites," which is produced in a massive Popbites production plant in Poppinland called "Popbites Factory." Poppin wants original Popbites that don't exist in the human world. To improve the quality of the machine, we need to "cast a spell" to produce more creative food....so we need your help to think of a better spell!

For more details:


How To Make Popbites

Make Popbites in the Popbites Factory! You will be able to generate your own Popbites when you input your prompt inside the blue frame of the app. Try various "spells" to get some creative and fancy Popbites. We are looking forward to seeing your original Popbites, so we highly recommend using Lexica (https://lexica.art/) as a preference to find examples. (Good prompts have ingenious sentences and phrases, you should check it out).

And please type your “spells” in English. This is how to start the app:

Popbites factory_en.pdf

Posting your Popbites

Post your favorite Popbites with the spell in your assigned channel. When you get your best Popbites after your few trials, press "Set as My Best Popbites" on the My Gallery page. We will consider it your final submission for the contest. You can switch them anytime.

We are not allowed you guys to:

The Best Popbites Contest