You should watch Esther Hicks discuss manifestation.

Esther Hicks: Don’t Worry About What Is?

There are important things to understand before you begin to manifest. You need to be practiced at mindfulness and presence. You have to understand that these concepts form the foundation for manifestation.

She breaks down manifesting into four steps:

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How To Manifest

The key to manifesting is to realize that you attract through your state of being. State of being is your awareness + emotions + thought. These three can be pretty much summed up by “how you feel.”

The Universe doesn’t respond to what you say, the Universe responds to what you mean. What you mean is how you feel.

If you feel good, you will attract more of that goodness to you. The same goes for feeling bad. Have you ever noticed how when you’re “in the zone,” things just kind of work out for you? And when you “wake up on the wrong side of the bed,” you are almost guaranteed that you’re going to have a bad day?

You feel good when you’re aligned with your inner being. You become extremely powerful when you align with your inner being. Your inner being is always so happy and excited to be alive. When you feel bad, it is because you have gotten out of alignment.