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If you have to use 3 adjectives to describe your dream hot potato summer, what would they be?

Now, let's make a list of items for each category of our lives and check them off this summer!

πŸ₯° Relationships

How would you like to see your relationships flourish? Who do you want to spend quality time with (physically / virtually)? What would you like to do & talk about?

πŸ–οΈ Places

What environments bring you the most energy, joy, and reflection? Is it a beach? Your favorite cafe? Good eats? Or creating that little reading nook at home?

πŸ—ƒ School / Career

How can you refocus towards your 2021 goals? What can you accomplish in the next 3 months? Maybe starting that side hustle, applying for that job, or learning a new skill...

☘️ Personal life

What are some of your self-care bucket list items? What can help you recharge and live lighter? Getting finances in order? Taking care of your physical & mental health?