Meeting countdown

For Hosted Buyer meetings, a countdown clock will be visible throughout the entire meeting for each user in the top right hand of the meeting page:

When there are 10 seconds left in the meeting, the countdown clock will appear full sized across the page in red, to notify the meeting participants that the meeting is about to come to an end:

Once the meeting is finished, the meeting window will automatically close for both meeting participants, regardless of whether the meetings are back to back or have a break / if the user has a meeting straight after or has a break. In other words, you will never be able to continue the meeting outside of the allocated time.

Meetings logic (without breaks: back to back)

When a meeting finishes and a user has their next meeting immediately or within 5 minutes, a 'Start meeting' button will appear, so that you are able to enter the next meeting straight away:

Meetings logic (with breaks)

When a meeting finishes and a user has more than a +5 minute break between their meeting, the meeting window will close and they will have to click 'Close meeting' or exit the page: