The Regional English Language Office in Kyiv, in partnership with the TESOL-Ukraine, the English Teachers’ Association of Georgia, and International Black Sea University, is pleased to announce a special conference on the topic of Academic Integrity in the RELO Kyiv region (Ukraine, Moldova and the Caucasus). The aim of the conference is to open a discussion about the history and future of academic integrity in the region and to share practical approaches for building a culture of academic integrity, both at the classroom and administrative level.

The conference will take place virtually February 1-4, 2021, 5-7 PM Kyiv time daily (7-9 PM in the Caucasus) and it will feature workshops, presentations, and panels, as well as opportunities to network and engage with other educators. Teachers and administrators from the RELO Kyiv region and beyond are welcome to attend.

Participants who attend a minimum of 3 hours of the conference will receive a certificate of participation. We hope to see you there!


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Learn about our plenary speakers here:

Plenary Speakers

Call for Proposals