We have built the Totally Locally Shop site to enable businesses to get online as quickly as possible.

As a result, it may not always be perfect but we are working on it and making improvements all the time!

So please let us know your feedback, as we are always looking for ways to make it work for. You can also drop us a line if you get stuck on anything as the team will be happy to help you out

If you have a specific question about your shop, products, delivery etc, the footer on your town's site will contain contact information - use the Contact page to send us a query or request for help, don't be shy, we're a friendly bunch! We can probably help you via email but can also call you to talk you through any aspect of the site.

If you simply aren't sure how to get started and want help registering on the your town's local .Shop site, fill in this form and we'll get back to you! https://bit.ly/TLHelpRegister