Use Aiden to build dynamic, interactive guided selling apps that help your customers find the product or service that best suits their needs. Click Search at the top right of this page to find the tutorial you're looking for.

<aside> πŸ‘‰ Curious about the latest features and fixes? Check out our Release notes.


Getting started

Start here

Define your goal

Build the app

Add your products

Launch the app

Make it better

<aside> πŸ’‘ New to guided selling? Check out these helpful articles by our experts:

How to create excellent digital conversations

How to optimize your product selection

How to interpret your app's performance

How to make your good product finder great



<aside> πŸ‘‡ The detailed tutorials below will help you build your guided selling app(s).


The basics

Create a new app

Invite another user

Apply your branding!

Translate your app

πŸ’¬ Conversation

Set up the start screen

Set up the Q&A

Add media to your Q&A

Set up the advice screen

πŸ“¦ Catalogue

Set up your product catalogue

Add, remove and update products

Deactivate certain products

🌟 Matching

Match products to answers

Match products to answers (bèta)

Treat a question as a filter

πŸ”Œ Integrate

Publish your app

Embed the app in your website

Update your app

Email integration

Connect to Squeezely

πŸ” Analyze

Monitor key insights within Aiden

Gather insights with Google Analytics

Gather insights with your CRM/CDP