<aside> 🕰️ Archived newsletter

This is a past issue of the newsletter, and therefore may have references and commentary that are no longer accurate. This website is iterative and evolves week on week, so just keep that in mind. The latest newsletter is at the top of the homepage, here. Happy reading!


🎉 🎉 🎉

Here we are, finally!

I'm aware this is something that's been "coming soon" for a while now, so thank you for your patience. I've been faithfully working away at all of this for a good while now, just not full time. In fact, a key aspect of this whole thing is really its compatibility with the many other things going on in my life, so that's why it's taken a little while.

So without further ado...

Welcome to my new website!

<aside> ✋ "Wait a minute Saxon, isn't this your Newsletter...? What's this about a website...?"


Hah - fair point! They're actually one and the same!

Well, kinda. There is a mailing list, and this is the **newsletter, but the newsletter is in fact just another part of my website. The weekly emails I send out just point to the latest posts here 😉

"So what's this newsletter all about?"

The newsletter is a weekly bulletin that consists of updates of what's new around here (blog posts, website sections/updates, notes from my personal life) as well as links to resources, articles, or other interesting things.

Each newsletter will likely vary in content and length - perhaps dramatically at times - however, they will certainly come once a week, every week.

Also, I will say that this first issue is going to be a little atypical; generally the newsletters themselves will be much shorter, and link you away to other places.

"And this website - what's that about?"

Excellent question! Let's get acquainted with where things are at. There's quite a lot of content for you to read here already, so I would encourage you to click around and explore.

The two largest pieces of writing are: