Coloring Foods Applications Technologist at GNT. MSc Food Science from the University of Leeds, UK.

<aside> 📌 Experienced in food product development, research, sensory evaluation and ingredient troubleshooting.


<aside> 📌 In my free time, I like to write for **A Little Word Told Me,** a blog that I started in April 2020, during lockdown, and now has readers in 20+ countries.


<aside> 📍 Currently living in the UK


Blog Posts

Work Experience

Full-Time Roles

Volunteer/ Part-Time/ Additional Work


Interviewed CEOs/ Founders of Startups in the Food Industry

Let's Connect

I love to talk about food science, product development, developing sustainable food systems, and innovative marketing techniques. Feel free to reach out!

<aside> 📎 Email


<aside> 📎 LinkedIn


<aside> 📎 Blog
