The Yoga of Becoming is a dynamic dance between inner world development and outer world engagement, unifying them in a virtuous cycle for sustained personal evolution.

🧠 The Fallacy of Mind-Body Dualism

🧬 Re-Enchanting the Human Organism

As you progress on the path of individual awakening and personal evolution, psycho-somatic body-based solutions should be your first choice, not your last option.

🔋 PEMS Energy Systems

4 energetic systems

🚦 The 4 Pillars of Hedonic Engineering

  1. 🧠 Psychology: You can trigger and resolve internal conflicts by resolving things psychologically.
  2. 💊 Pharmacology: External (to the body) compounds can have profound effects up and down the mind<>body spectrum.
    1. Intentional, safe use of pharmacological triggers can invite profound healing and deep states of Being to help you along your personal evolution process.
  3. ️ ⏰ Technology: Floatation tanks, magnetic stimulation, resonance machines, and more offer initial glimpses to how technological intervention can be a powerful mechanism for inner development.
    1. Though be warned, outsourcing your healing sovereignty by becoming dependent on external tools is dangerous. You should master the basics first, then invite in external tools.
  4. 🤸🏻‍♂️ Neurobiology: And of course, body-based practices are a powerful mechanism you can use here.
    1. Breathwork, movement, trance states

🧐 The 5 Foundational Levers

different areas of embodied awakening growth stack