I Started by passing the app to a few of my friends who may be interested in serious dating. and tried to collect data from their feedback in order to determine the pains and gains .


Islam khodair 26 years old " Petroleum engineer" My first experience with the app was kinda pleasant except I had some minor difficulties with the navigation, I didn't understand the actual use of the top tabs " New here, Recently active, Shared interests"

Mohammed Abdul Naeem, 30 years old " Frontend engineer" Since I have experience with other dating apps, I didn't find the interactions were quite satisfying as other apps due to a lack of animation and interaction design.

Alia Mohammed, 27 years old "Saftey engineer" I was lost when the cards around my area finished, I didn't know from where I should expand my search area and options

<aside> 💡 I re-wrote the feedback more professionally in order to clear some of the pain points


Home screen


I started with revamping the Home screen by eliminating not important elements and adding some of the elements that are crucial and critical to the navigation experience



<aside> 💡 1-Filter icon 2-New here tag 3-mutual interests


Removing the top tabs

This gives us an opportunity and space for the Profile picture to stand out and to be more visible.

Highlighting the shared interests

giving the user a clear and short glimpse about the other partner which will stimulate them to check the rest of the profile.

Filter icon

Changing the position of the filter icon from the profile to the home page(cards page) will give the user opportunity to quickly expand their search area without navigating to other screens. making them hooked up to the swiping activity without losing interest



The old profile screen was quite solid it has everything the user needs about the info of their future partners, so my approach was to make it a bit shorter by creating a grid for the photos


<aside> 💡 Adding photo grid




I couldn't but notice that the app has some problems due to a lack of interactions. this lack of interactions made the action of swiping right, instant match, or even getting a match quite unsatisfactory.