The "world of knitting" is not just a couple of docile grannies knitting at home.

In the past couple of years, international attention has been intermittently focused on this industry because the cancel culture, public shaming and online mobbing has created a surreal, eyebrow-raising environment where bullying is carried out in the name of anti-racism.

What's happening in this industry is a puritanical inquisition to find racism everywhere - to find it in even the most subtle statements - and then to damage a person's livelihood and mental health as punishment. Reputations and careers are lost over transgressions so mild that most people shake their heads in disbelief when they hear these stories.

This is why we started this project. No person of good conscience wants a racist world. However, in the effort to oppose racism, some people are engaging with some very damaging ideas and their behaviors are being amplified and encouraged by powerful people and organizations. "Fighting racism" should not include bullying, public humiliation and cruelty. It should not result in an unhealthy, dysfunctional environment.

We want the world to see what is happening here. We also want you to see the influencers and organizations who are enabling this madness.

This website documents the episodes of abuse by the woke mob in our community.

Do you have an episode of abuse to report? Send us the link. We capture and document all PUBLIC instances of abuse in our community.

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