
Welcome to the first collaborative game making experience using Kaimerra. Our first offering is a set of shared numbers that everyone in the hackathon has access to. We have chosen to go with numbers named in accordance to the [5 classical elements]( elements typically refer to,in terms of simpler substances.):

fire - 🔥

water - 💧

air - 💨

earth - 🌍

aether - 0️⃣

It is up to you to collaborate and decide on the meaning of these numbers across your experiences. Maybe fire increases the the speed of the enemies or the damage done? Maybe it just turns your game orange? Work together!

This is an experiment, an art project, and a beginning. We are excited to see what you will create.

Things you will need.

  1. Get Kaipod: To get started you will need our local client that runs on windows (Mac and Linux coming soon) called kaipod. You can download it here:
  2. Get a login: Talk to brett/jpat/ryan about getting yourself a kaimerra login. Hit them up on the discord! You’ll need to pick an email to use.
  3. Build an experience! We recommend using our javascript API here: ‣.
    1. Use our example on replit to kick things off!

How the Javascript API Works

You will need a running kaipod client to authorize the kai-api to talk to our backend server. Make sure you are logged in before trying to run a game using the API!


Let us know if you have any problems!

More docs are available on the kai-api github here:

kai-api/ at main · kaimerra/kai-api
