CS 148 Fall 2020-2021 Due Date: Monday, 9 November 2020 by 7 pm PT

Follow the instructions carefully. If you encounter any problems in the setup, please do not hesitate to reach out to CAs on Piazza or attend office hours on Nooks.

Be aware of the Checkpoints below. Make sure you complete each one since we will do the grading based on them.

Image texture applied to objects. This particular scene uses AI to create albedo, normal and height map from a single image. Source: Substance3D, a commercial software.

Image texture applied to objects. This particular scene uses AI to create albedo, normal and height map from a single image. Source: Substance3D, a commercial software.

The goal of this homework is to help you start picking textures for your final project. Specifically, you will become familiar with the process of texturing an object. Like HW7, it is highly recommended that you use this assignment as a milestone for your final project, as you will be able to get some preliminary feedback from the teaching team.

I. UV unwrapping

<aside> 📖 In class, we have discussed what UV mapping is. UV mapping is the process of assigning UV coordinates to each vertex of the mesh. As mentioned in class, this is what is used to sample the texture. UV coordinates do not usually magically appear on meshes though — you will have to create your own UV coordinates. If you've never done UV unwrapping before, we suggest you watch this official tutorial first before proceeding.


"Unwrapping" a christmas chocolate. Source: twitter.

"Unwrapping" a christmas chocolate. Source: twitter.

In order to apply a texture to an object, we have to do what is called UV unwrapping to generate a UV map for it first. Here we will walk you through how to unwrap an object in Blender.

I.1 First glance at the UV map

First let's visualize what a UV map looks like in blender.

Open a new Blender project and select the default cube. Then toggle the UV map editor view by clicking on UV editing. You should be able to enter Edit Mode and see the UV map of the default cube object on the left side of the screen.

UV Editing window.

UV Editing window.

The UV map of a blender default cube.

The UV map of a blender default cube.

I.2 Generate the UV map

Now let's proceed to generating a UV map for your object. You can close the default cube scene without saving.

Open your Blender project from homework 7. Here we use a simple stool model as an example. Toggle the UV map editor view. Select all vertices of an object and press U, then click on Smart UV project*.*

<aside> 💡 If your object does not have a clean topology (especially when you sculpt with dynamic topology), you may consider tidy up your mesh before unwrapping using retopology tools such as quadriflow from Properties ‣ Object Data ‣ Remesh.


<aside> 💡 For simulated mesh, you need to apply the simulation by going to the modifier and apply your simulation modifier before getting access to the mesh in each frame.
