These images are the HIFI mockups of what our final application looks like.

Again these are like the sketches and the MIDFI mockups but they show in more detail where elements are placed like the brand, buttons and all of the content. By doing all three steps it shows us the design process from start to finish.


Create an account


Sign in


Reset password


Profile page




Homepage different options

When creating the home page for our app we had three different ideas of what it could look like.

  1. The first one had more of a zoom vibe with the 4 sections in a group and the date and time beside it.
  2. The second option shows just the join call button but still has the time and date to the right like before.
  3. The final option and the option we decided to use for both the student and the teacher version. It just has the navigation down the left and then the date and time and a picture on the main screen. We decided too go with this one as it keeps the rest of the app consistent and keeps the homepage simple.

