Instructors: Mr. Janes and Mr. Wood

You step outside into the High Noon sun. A gentle breeze send a tumbleweed lazily across an open field. You see a flicker in your peripheral vision; a long, lean shadow ambles out into the open...

🤠 Gunslingers. First one, black hat pulled low over the eyes, six-shooter slung low on the hip. Then another from the opposite direction, white hat shining like Justice in the bright sun. They stare at each other across the open field, waiting for the action to start.

🕗 Spend your Mornings developing your own skills as a gunslinger as you learn and play a variety of disc sports on the High Plains of EMHS. Learn six different kinds of throws, and how to find your target every time.

🕑 In the Afternoon your body gets a rest, and your Brain takes over the heavy lifting, as we watch and discuss movies in the Western genre, from classics like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly to more contemporary takes on the style.

Activities and Exciting Features

📽 Explore the evolution of the Western film, and learn what they say about the cultures that produce them

🌵 Develop an understanding of the Western as a style of storytelling, including archetypes and characteristics of the genre, the use of allegory to make social commentary, and the ways that other cultures have uses the American Cowboy mythology to explore their own experiences

💨 Learn to play a variety of disc sports, including Ultimate, Box, Golf, Cut-throat, Durango Boot, Double-Disc Court, and others

🎽 Take home a custom printed disc and jersey, each made just for this project

Supplies and Skills Needed

💵 Cost: $100