As part of The Radical Outside course

presented by Qiao Lin for SFPC fall 2017

Middle East and Other Futurisms: Imaginary Temporalities in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture - Jussi Parrikka

“People were having so many boyfriends on the phone.” These days, anonymous teenage sexting means you’re just as likely to get an explicit Bluetooth picture at the mall as a scribbled phone number, which might be why Saudi Arabia banned Bluetooth in malls in 2007.“ Back (in the 90s) we’d send pre-internet viral videos, these really primal and bizarre moments,” Al-Maria says, remembering her clandestine teenage communications. “The Gulf is such an extreme place of disconnection that the only thing to do was send videos of other people or animals doing things that you wish you could.

Human & Personal Geography

Work of Imaginary futures and cartographies of time.

a platform to discuss nothing less than time in its infrastructured, experienced and generative forms.

Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer

You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imaginatio

SF - Speculative Fiction , Science Fiction

It's like you're on the surface of another planet . . . the starkness creates this post-apocalyptic feel. Where you're surrounded by sand and the sky, there are no limits to the gargantuanism you can dream of - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Tower of Babel, these are all Arab ideas! And now it's the space race for skyscrapers - Fatima Al Qadiri