(GCG 2.0)

Season 5 Guild Incentives

The goal of our Incentive Structure is to as much as possible incentivize members to commit to action items for the self-organizing of the guild, for joining Scope Squads for research purposes, and for developing research projects. We believe this bounty structure provides opportunities for skill development and motivates DAO members to actively contribute to guild operations.

Guild Self-Administration Bounties

Total for 13 weeks = 129,500 BANK

Meeting Agendas are Modified as needed. The following are modifications.

Verbal Project Report Update - 400 BANK remuneration - Should provide notes to agenda prior to meeting

Written Meeting Report added to Agenda - 300 BANK remuneration - Does not need to be present in meeting

At 2 verbal and 3 written updates this estimate totals at 22,100 BANK

Guild Research Micro Grants

Join a Scope Squad for Research Support purposes 1-4,000 BANK grant

Join a Project in Project Planning for Research Support purposes 2-5,000 BANK grant

At 3 squads (2500/) and 3 projects (3500/) a season with avg Grant Funding = 18,000 BANK

Maintain Ongoing Research Channel 3-6,000 bank per season, monthly reporting