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When implementing digital projects, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture. Short-term decisions to cut corners can result in "technical debt." Technical debt incurs interest over time and has to be paid down; otherwise, digital projects face escalating costs that can quickly become unsustainable.

To help us make forward-looking decisions, we have adopted the following guiding principles for digital projects.* As we receive new requests for digital improvements, we will ask whether the request aligns with these digital best practices. This will help us answer the question "Can we build the digital service in a smart and sustainable way?"

1. Begin with user needs

Learn about users, their goals, their needs, their pain points. Identify assumptions about users. Test the assumptions. Share what we learn. Repeat.

2. Select projects that support priorities

What digital projects are the best strategic fit? What objectives do the projects serve? How do the projects help priority audiences?

3. Design with data

Whenever possible, use data about users and the organization to make design decisions.

4. Keep it simple

Learn about underlying problems and systems, especially when they're complex. Design solutions that are as simple as possible. Avoid custom code. Revisit features that are underperforming.

5. Build through iteration

Start small. Build prototypes and minimum viable products, test them with actual users, and refine them based on feedback.

6. Build for reuse

Think modular. Don't reinvent the wheel. Create libraries of templates, design patterns, and code. Make it easy for other people reuse components in a well-governed way.

7. Default to open

Consider open-source technologies at every step. Make our process transparent and collaborative whenever possible. Create multidisciplinary teams. Look for opportunities to share within and beyond the organization.

8. Create integrated services