Guideline Types

The guidelines added while we created your offerings in the first step are displayed here in the encounter. Guidelines ensure all the information is captured at the right time. In this example, the River-mead and preventing forms must be reviewed and answered by the patient and added to the encounter data so that the doctors reviewing the information have everything they need to move the care along.

Use Cases

The most common use case for guidelines is for managing the unique requirements of each service to be billed by a third party that is performed at any location of service. For example, a doctor that performs surgery at a surgery center that has the right to bill for the professional and facility components of the service. That Provider may have other parties involved in the procedure that is also direct billing for their part of the procedure. The guidelines would include any documents that are required to be signed by the patient, and also a list of CPT codes and ICD10 codes that are associated with these procedures made easily available.

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Guidelines are applied in your workflow

Notice the bar across the bottom of the screen.  This is where users will find the guidelines that were entered into the offering.

Notice the bar across the bottom of the screen. This is where users will find the guidelines that were entered into the offering.