Guidelines for alternative care sites from the USA's CDC, including recommendations for the physical infrastructure, services provided, and patient care. Updated regularly.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health and Family Wellness, India

Guidelines for quarantine facilities for Covid-19, including evaluation of potential sites, risk assessment of the facility, human resource deployment and training, SOPs for medical personnel, nursing staff, etc., and a checklist for establishing quarantine facilities. Published

Guidelines for Quarantine facilities COVID-19.pdf

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, USA

Proposed workflow for rehabilitation in intermediate care facilities, including a rapid Covid-19 rehabilitation assessment tool. Published May 2020.

Proposed Workflow for Rehabilitation in a Field Hospital Setting during the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, USA

Guidance on setting up temporary expansion sites to provide hospital services, including guidance for off-site patient screening, physical environment for these sites, offering remote outpatient therapy and education services, and billing information. Updated November 2020.

CMS Hospitals Without Walls (Temporary Expansion Sites).pdf