Each year there are hundreds of events in Melbourne Fringe. While each and every one deserves media attention, it is essential that you know how to present your show effectively to media in order to make it stand out.

An exciting story pitch and clearly presented information will increase your chances of securing the media’s attention. Most editors and journalists prefer a first approach via email. This should contain:

  1. Subject line identifying the show’s name and its involvement in Melbourne Fringe.
  2. A short, attention-grabbing pitch and summary – between 150-200 words.
  3. An attached PDF media release – as well as the body of the press release included in the body of the email, below your introductory pitch.
  4. High-quality photo(s) and video clips (or links to clips) attached to the email. These are essential parts of your overall Media Kit. But remember, keep attached file sizes under 20GB so it doesn’t hit media’s firewalls.
  5. Make sure you address emails to journalists individually. DO NOT CC or BCC to a group of journalists in the one email – individual communication is key.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating A Media Release

1. Header

2. Opening Paragraph

3. Body (What, Who, Why)

In this section you can write a few paragraphs (not longer than one page) that go into more detail about your show. Think about the things that are important, interesting or innovative about your work and expand on them here. Perhaps some of your cast and/or crew have interesting backgrounds, maybe you are doing the work in an unusual venue or there is an element of the production that you feel is particularly clever or new.

4. Past Awards and Productions