art by Adam Sandler

Hi everyone! I'm Lukas Steinbock, a rising senior at Washington University in St. Louis and co-founder of The Takeoff. Throughout college, other students (including fellow The Takeoff co-founder Michael Spiro) have given me advice on cold outreach. From both advice and experience, I have learned a lot about cold outreach. As a result, I wanted to create a constantly evolving resource for students to enhance their networking abilities (Feel free to comment any questions, insights, and feedback!)

In the pages below, you will learn more about how to track your interactions, how to use LinkedIn, how to use Twitter, how to find individuals' email addresses, what to write in your cold outreaches, and, lastly, how to approach a Zoom/phone call with someone you reached out to via cold outreach.

How to Track

How to Use LinkedIn

How to Use Twitter

How to Find Emails

What to Write

How to Call

Everyone has their own system that works best for them: "Different strokes for different folks." This guide is by no means the "right way" to meet your match (match = an individual with whom a connection would provide mutual benefit). I am still figuring it out myself :)

Feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] or on Twitter @lukassteinbock. Thank you so much and hopefully you will find these resources helpful!
