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Job details

Time: Full time, part-time, or freelance available

About us

UFO is a small, well funded, and rapidly growing agency startup. We’re growing fast on the back of incredible results and even better client service.

Our clients are modern, tech-driven companies that are on the cutting edge of digital innovation and marketing tactics. We work very closely with them on every aspect of growth, from product to strategy to pricing and promotion.

We're not your typical agency. They probably all say that right? Seriously though, we love what we do and we deeply understand it. We're absolutely passionate about finding creative ways to solve challenging marketing problems and having fun while we do it. We're obsessed with measurement but we also get brand.

We have a variety of clients and a few internal projects you'll work on. We won't just take any job that comes our way, we work with people we like on projects we want to work on.

About the role

In this position you'll be responsible for driving KPI growth for our clients and our own internal projects using a variety of tactics.

You’ll come to understand the strategies, tactics, and platforms you work on at a level of depth you probably won’t find in most other roles, and you’ll learn to answer complex questions by experimentation.

Things you’ll work on: