Graph Node-supported EVM JSON RPC

Required for a seamless EVM integration

Steps to run Graph Node locally

  1. Clone Graph Node
  2. Change this line including your network name and your compatible RPC URL (don’t change the env var name itself, even though it is called Ethereum 🙂)
  3. Run an IPFS node or use the one used by The Graph:

Test the integration by deploying a subgraph locally

  1. Install graph-cli: yarn global add @graphprotocl/graph-cli (Repo here)
  2. Create a simple example subgraph
    1. Start with a simple subgraph. Some options are below:
      1. A basic example: Gravitar (solidity code and tailored subgraph)
      2. Bootstrap a local subgraph from any existing smart contract/solidity dev environment using Hardhat with a Graph plugin
    2. Adapt the resulting subgraph.yaml file including the same new network name in (same previously added to Graph Node).
  3. Create your subgraph in Graph Node: graph create $SUBGRAPH_NAME --node $GRAPH_NODE_ENDPOINT
  4. Publish your subgraph to Graph Node: graph deploy $SUBGRAPH_NAME --ipfs $IPFS_ENDPOINT --node $GRAPH_NODE_ENDPOINT