Grants Eligibility ¦ Zer8

Essential Intent: Grants Program Success

🎯S15 Objective

The Gitcoin community can reliably expect that the platform is free of fraudulent grants and that main round eligibility approvals, disputes and appeals are consistently and fairly executed in a reasonable time frame.



List people on the squad/team here.

Untitled Database

🎈Key Results / Projects / Deliverables

Please add your key results to this table.

🚨Blockers, Issues, & Shout Outs

B - Blocker, I - Issues, S - Shout Outs

🙌Feedback Dropbox

This is the space where anybody can drop feedback relevant to this initiative.

Untitled Database

✅Task Master

Please also refer to ‣

Action Items DB

📄Working Documents

You might need to customize and save the filter for this database.

👁️‍🗨️Meeting Minutes

You might need to customize and save the filter for this database.

📑Backlog of Observations for Data Validation and Sybil Stories

Backlog of Observations - Grants Eligibility

FDD Roles & Levels