In order to send VoiceLines, you need to allow our application to use your microphone on every new website. This is crucial for recording!

<aside> πŸ’‘ You will need a VoiceLine account. If you don’t have one yet, ask your team members to invite you or sign up to our waitlist. You also will need to complete all of the following steps on Google Chrome.


  1. Open a website or the VoiceLine hub.
  2. Press the yellow microphone πŸŽ™ at the bottom of your screen, the in-line VoiceLine button, or the recorder in the Chrome Extension.
  3. Your device now prompts a field to grant access to your microphone, click "Allow"

  1. Proceed to record and send your VoiceLine.
  2. You're done!

How to create a new meeting or discussion in the VoiceLine Hub

Still have questions? Not to worry! Just drop us a VoiceLine or email our support team at [email protected] πŸ––