Following grammar rules and having consistent mechanics helps us keep our writing clear for readers. This section will lay out Passbase's style, which applies to all content unless otherwise noted in other sections.


Write for everyone. Make every word count for people who read every line. Make information easy to find for people who skim. Help everyone have an easier time reading by grouping related ideas together and using descriptive section headers. Write for people who may not be able to see text. Check the Writing for Accessibility and Inclusion section for more details.

Stay focused on your message. What do you want readers to come away with? Is it a framework on decision making or is it how to accomplish a specific task? Make every word count whether it is a blog piece or a guide. Create information hierarchies and lead with the main point in your sentences.

Stay concise. Default to short and simple words. Use language that people can understand from any part of the world. Respect your reader's time.

Be concrete. Make every sentence count. Avoid vague language and make sure there is a specific point.

Keep consistent. The goal of Passbase content is to help and educate. Use the styling guidelines in this document.

Numbers, Symbols, Abbreviations

Abbreviations and Symbols

Spell out the full name or concept the first time it is mentioned before using abbreviations or acronyms. You can use the short version for later references.

Avoid using symbols to shorten sentences, unless they are part of an official name.



Chris and Brooklyn



Chris & Brooklyn


In Europe, the decimal is a comma. Following, the US system, we will use the period.


$10, £10, €10.05


10€, €10,05
