
Chat (Discord)

Ideation and Working Ideas (Notion and Google Docs)

Proposals [Grants and Particle Improvement Proposals] (The Forum hosted on

Vote: Snapshot

Treasury: Gnosis Safe + Parcel

Community Structure

Community layers and Incentives

Guests: Support and information

L1: Owner / Community Member / Advanced Access / Staking Rewards

L2: DAO Member / Governance responsibilities / Bounty eligibility

L3: Individual workstream team member

L4: Workstream leader (aka directors)

Proto Work Streams

Genesis Team (A temporary workstream designed to get the DAO off the ground)

Lead: Cimply

Domain: Business development and Particle ecosystem relations.

Marketing and Coms (The DAOs messaging and brand while shared with the Foundation is its own.)

Lead: Mimi

Domain: Townhalls, social media, and PR.


Lead: Justice

Domain: DAO governance and coordination tooling.

Community Management (Or IT Dev)

Lead: Kenley

Domain: Discord, Website, Notion, etc

Lead Workstream Lead Term Limits

Seasonal (quarterly) commitments
