Gmail: We use email to communicate with each other on less time-sensitive matters and to work with people at other companies. For ongoing chat, we prefer to use Slack. You can reach anyone by email, or everyone with a email address using [email protected].

Hangouts Meet: Our go-to internal video conferencing platform for team calls and meetings. We encourage you to turn on your video whenever connectivity allows for it. Sometimes it’s easier to get a point across when you can see and hear the person you’re speaking with!

Drive: Our file storage system. Everything at Medic is where we store files. Once you create a document or upload a file here, these files can be shared by email, through Drive, Slack, Asana, etc.

Google Calendar: Our team has a shared calendar to display holidays and teammate availability. Use your personal calendar to set meetings with teammates or partners and clarify time, location, meeting agenda etc.

<aside> 📌 Add secondary time zones to your calendar!
