Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is cover the rationale and process for the GitHub Project Board that the Go libp2p Stewards on PL EngRes use at:

<aside> 🔗 https://github.com/orgs/libp2p/projects/3/views/1


Document Status

2022-04-26: Initial version. Still needs team and outside input.

2022-08-26: Updates from conversation between Steve and Prithvi.

2022-09-01: Request for feedback sent to go-libp2p eng team.

Purpose of this board

The combination of:

  1. the “libp2p” organization being around for years and accumulating many issues and PRs
  2. extended periods of insufficient grooming
  3. many parallel work streams

has made it hard for maintainers or contributors to know what all is being worked on at a given time.

As a result, the main purpose of this board is around work visibility:

  1. Make it possible for the maintainers (e.g., PL EngRes IP Stewards) to track all the work that they driving forward or engaging in.
  2. Give contributors the ability to see and communicate the status of their work.
  3. Make it self-service for observers to see what is in flight and what is coming.

Desired Goals

We want to get to a place where: