Sending multiple transactions can be costly in terms of time and transaction fees. This provides a method to send multiple payouts in a single transaction. Send arbitrarily many distinct tokens, to arbitrarily many distinct accounts with various different values from a CSV file.

Loading the App in Gnosis Safe Interface

  1. Navigate to your Guild's/Project's Gnosis safe
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Navigate to the Apps tab on the left
  4. Select CSV Airdrop from the list of available apps

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Preparing a Transfer File

Transfer files are expected to be in CSV format with the following minimally required columns:

An example transfer file would look as follows:

token_address,receiver,amount 0xd0dab4e640d95e9e8a47545598c33e31bdb53c7c,0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0.02 0xa7d1c04faf998f9161fc9f800a99a809b84cfc9d,0x3000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0.04 0x5592ec0cfb4dbc12d3ab100b257153436a1f0fea,0x5000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0.06 0x4dbcdf9b62e891a7cec5a2568c3f4faf9e8abe2b,0x7000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0.08 0x784b46a4331f5c7c495f296ae700652265ab2fc6,0x9000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0.10

Here we have 5 transfers, each for a different token, going to a different receiver and for different amounts. On the rinkeby network, these tokens are GNO, OWL, DAI, USDC and GUSD respectively.

For BANK, you can copy and paste the token address from here.

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Initializing your Transaction

Navigate to the APPS page from within your Gnosis Safe MultiSig. If you don't already have a Safe, you can create one for free!

  1. Open up the CSV Airdrop App, which looks like this: