There isn't a long history or process of managed updates to the User Guide. A rewrite took place in late 2019 / early 2020 and regular updates began only in recent months. Until now the team has been small (barely a team!) and mostly driven by Louise (UK). Our priority has been to create a lean process with few barriers to keeping it fresh. That has been easy with only two editors, but as the team grows we will need to introduce some checks and balances, hopefully in a way that doesn't slow us down.

A lot of great information & ideas have been shared in the agenda discussion document and on the User Guide Channel in Global Slack. I have tried to consolidate the top level discussion points here, and focus on the questions we want to answer at the Global Gathering.

Global Gathering - Questions to Answer

CONTRIBUTE You can select or double click on any statement to add a comment. Please feel free to add your thoughts and ideas prior to our gathering, so we don't miss anything

  1. Team Structure

  2. How to Onboard New Editors?

  3. Do we need to formalise the updating process for editors?

  4. What is the process for updating after weekly releases?

  5. How do we track what needs to be updated?

  6. How do we collect input to the UG from non-editors?

  7. How do we deal with changes that are instance specific?

  8. Integrating translations into the main document

  9. How To Guides / FAQ

  10. Video content immersed throughout the document, plus a youtube channel for all the videos

Discussion / Questions that came up in first Sharing Global Support Session