As of January 2023, Github reported having over 100 million developers and more than 200 million Git repositories, Git hooks have always been in every developer's Git repository which stays hidden without the knowledge of the developer.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about Git hooks and how to get started with using it in 5 minutes, so let’s get started now.

What Are Git Hooks

Git hooks are scripts that run on a periodic basis and are usually run automatically by your Git server., allowing you to perform actions or revert changes in your Git repository. They're most commonly used for preventing merge conflicts and reverting commits, but they can be used for more than just those things.

Locate Hidden Hooks in Your Repository

To get started, create a sample Git repository:

$ mkdir <repo-name>
$ cd <repo-name>
$ git init


Take a look at the .git/hooks directory to see some default scripts:

$ ls .git/hooks/

Types Of Git Hooks

Git hooks can be grouped into two main types: