Here is how to access your report and the exemplars after all the judging is completed

Your report

When you take part in a national task and complete your judging, a report is generated showing how your school and your pupils did on the task. To access your school's report from the assessment, here are the steps to take:

Go into our account and click on School Reports on the left hand side:

From here, you can download your PDF reports, the csv spreadsheet files for the task and if available, progress reports for your students. Make sure you choose the correct task when downloading these files.

***** Please note *****

Please do not download this report until we have sent you an email letting you know that you can do so. Otherwise the data may still be updated and your report may become out of date.

The exemplars booklet

In addition to the school reports, we produce an exemplar booklet for each national assessment providing examples of work at each of the levels or grades in the assessment.

To access this booklet, in the task, click on Download national assessment documents and you should see the booklet to download:

If you are not seeing your report or your exemplars booklet, please contact us at [email protected].