Components consist of pre-formatted elements, such as headers and visuals, and are used to build reports using a simple drag and drop approach when applied to the Canvas Grid.

Selecting and aligning components

  1. Select and copy your component of choice from the 'Components' file (ensure the component is grouped).

  2. Make a note of the components dimensions (e.g. 10x5 squares).

  3. Clear space for your component within your Canvas Grid (e.g. 10x5 squares).

  4. Paste your component onto the Canvas Grid and align within the space created, using the grid squares as a guide for alignment.

Resizing components

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> The following components are not suitable for resizing: KPIs, Donuts (excluding left-aligned donut), Miscellaneous, 100% Stacked Bar Chart (Performance Ratio component only), and Gauges.
