Nav bar

On the left of any screen in the app you’ll find the general navigation bar. This bar helps you jump around the app and contains a few sections.


The templates section contains the most recent templates you have used. Clicking on one will take you directly to the corresponding template page in the app. Click on “Taglines” and you’ll be generating new taglines for your brand in seconds.


The tools section contains general purpose templates for creating content. For example, you’ll find a tool like the Content Expander that takes a topic and a sentence, then expands it into a short form piece of content.

Saved Content

After you generate content, you can save it! Just click the bookmark icon on the bottom right side of any piece of content. There will be a pop up that prompts you for a title. Add a quick title and your content will be saved to this page.


This is where all your account options will go. Here you can change your email, password, upgrade or downgrade your account, or join our affiliate program.

Content generation

Landing page template pictured

Landing page template pictured

The center panel is where your content will appear once it has been generated. With “Customize” (toggle located in the right sidebar) turned off, content will be generated based on what information you have provided in the Personalize sidebar (more on that in the next section).

When “Customize” is toggled on, you will see an additional toggle that you can fill out to further refine your content!

For example, if you want to create a new variation of a tagline for your company Acme CO you would toggle on “Customize” and enter the tone you would like the taglines to be in, then click generate in the right sidebar to create new variations!

Personalizing your content

Personalizing your content is key to a great piece of content. Click on a tile to expand it and add fill in the relevant fields.

<aside> 💡 Tip: the more information you add, the better your generated content will be!


Company Name