This page provide a full example of how to use Docution, to auto-document a python project in a Notion page.


The first step is to have a python project that you want to document.

For this tutorial, we will use a dummy project. You can find the source code in the docution repository at :

Clone it locally :

git clone <>
cd docution

Then you will need to have the docution package installed. Refer to the Installation page for this step.

Create your documentation on Notion

Go to Notion and create a page. Write your documentation in there, and wherever you want to include your API reference, write a text block with the following content :

/docution *module.function_name*

For example, in our dummy project, we have a function called function_with_types_in_docstring() in the example module, so if we want to document it, we write :

/docution example.function_with_types_in_docstring

So in this case, my page look like (the important block is the third one !) :

Create an integration

Follow the official Notion guide to create an integration, or follow these steps :