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The first of its kind, level-up gamification meets rewardable collecting. Only possible on the Flow Blockchain. Let’s dive in!


The Rundown


Trophiez - A shelf companion for your Bobblz

Throughout time a trophy has been the symbol of sporting moment greatness, forever memorializing victories of that moment in time. They sit on a shelf reminding you of what can be accomplished through strategy, hard work, and team work. Introducing Trophiez, an evolving airdrop NFT, where the rarest are earned, not given!

Every bobblz genesis mint will receive a genesis Trophiez (a small common one), however what will separate the players from the champions will need to be earned - as Trophiez upgrade in size and rarity (or don’t) over each quarter of the genesis mint schedule.

Bobblz Quarterly Mint

The quarterly rollout is designed to create scarcity around each quarterly mint release but also add additional value, potential rewards, and utility. Those not able to mint from each drop will be driven to the secondary market in order to join in the fun of bobblz and Trophiez airdrops and upgrades. Most importantly, this will provide a unique & exclusive value designed to drive up each collectors investment.

Each quarter as illustrated in the infographic below outlines the colour that genesis Trophiez will be coloured. The most valuable ones will be gold, and the only ones that can qualify over time to reach the Epic rarity and size. These will be what every champion wants to add to their collection.

Trophiez is gamification style, level-up collection and rewards system in form of an upgradeable airdrop that evolves in size and rarity. Rewarding collectors, holders and secondary traders alike. Attached to quarterly scoreboards and recap commentary, with an awards gala & great prizes at the end of all four quarters. Future rewards and utility for winners will also be part of the founders trophiez collection.

Trading, upgrades, digital flex, status - all core values of the Trophiez evolving airdrop that will drive value of your bobblz mint investments. Each quarter that comes and goes will bring along more exposure to both the bobblz and accompanying Trophiez - hence protecting your investment.

Just like a championship sports game, every player puts in their best effort, each quarter players get off the bench and into the action. And if a player decides to leave before the game is over, don’t expect to be rewarded with that championship trophy!

Bobblz / Trophiez Ratio Snapshot

In order to receive your first airdrop in the 1st / 2nd / 3rd / or 4th quarter, mint during the presale or public quarterly sales, or purchase a bobblz nft on the secondary marketplace hosted on the Gaia marketplace before the upcoming quarterly snapshot dates (outlined below).

To ensure your genesis Trophiez upgrades to the next size and rarity, you must have the same Bobblz : Trophiez ratio.

<aside> 👉 Example: Have 4 bobblz in your wallet and 4 common gold Trophiez at the 2nd Quarter snapshot to receive 4 upgrades to each of those common gold Trophiez.

However, if you only had 3 bobblz in your wallet at snapshot, only 3 of those Trophiez will upgrade to the next size and rarity. One Trophiez will miss the upgrade as there wasn’t the same amount of Bobblz : Trophiez ratio.
