1. What is FightPandemics?

A mobile first platform that facilitates the connection and exchange of information between individuals and/or organizations that need help with those that are providing help and vice versa.


Complete Video explaining the problem and tools

I'm a Volunteer, how can I help?

As we are all volunteers, nobody is going to tell you what you should do (probably nobody knows you or your skills). The way that we work is not like in traditional companies that somebody tells you what to do. At FightPandemics we are all problem solvers, anyone can take any decision after they've first asked advice from people who will be affected and people that have shown expertise in what you are trying to solve.

Advice received must be taken into consideration. The point is not to create a watered-down compromise that accommodates everybody’s wishes. It is about accessing collective wisdom in pursuit of a sound decision. With all the advice and perspectives the decision maker has received, they choose what they believe to be the best course of action. WE ARE ALL PROACTIVE!

Just remember, DO NOT modify anyone's work. First, try to communicate with the stakeholders via slack or by just leaving a comment. If you want to change drastically something instead, then duplicate what we have, make your modifications and then suggest it to the team.

What is MVP?

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development.

What are componets of our MVP?

Our MVP will be a mobile first and desktop responsive web app with 3 modules.

Who provides/request help and what kind?