You can find additional drawing tools in this general palette.

Drawing Tools

Items draw from the General Drawing palette has no usage by default. You will be prompted to select a usage from the left hand palette upon shape creation.

<aside> ⚠️ If you do not assign a usage, no calculations will apply to that item.



Polygons are irregular shapes with straight edges. Add as many points as you need to create a custom shape.

Select the Polygon tool from the draw palette.

Create your custom polygon by clicking at desired points.

Click on the original point again to close the shape and exit the tool.

dwg tool 1.png


Select the Rectangle tool from the draw palette.

Click once to initiate the tool and a second time to define the width. Pull to specify the length. Click to end tool command.

dwg tool 2.png


Select the Line tool from the draw palette.

Click at each corner of the line. Double Click at the final node to exit the tool.


Select the Point tool from the draw palette.

Click where you would like to add a point.

Edit Project Boundary

If you need to update your original project boundary, select this tool

Update as needed using the typical drawing toolset.

<aside> 💡 For precise distances, type a number on the keyboard, and hit enter. Learn more about Drawing Accurately


Map Tools


Grid On adds a regular grid to the map, to assist with snapping.

The grid orients to the cardinal directions.


Edit grid

Update the size of the grid using this tool.

Click on the map to start, then click a second time to define the grid length.

Type in an exact value for a precise grid.

<aside> 💡 You can also edit the Grid from ‣



You can also use keyboard shortcuts to perform these commands. However, some users may prefer a user-interface-based button for typical commands, so these tools are available here.

<aside> 💡 Find all of the keyboard Hotkeys here.
