Gardens is a social, financial, and technical foundation for online communities to organize collectively around causes, social movements, or even memes. It enables anyone to form a community, but does not give any individual any special rights, privileges, or authority within that community. Gardens are designed to be operationally decentralized and autonomous from day one, enabling them, based on our interpretation of the "Hinman Test", to take advantage of tokenization while minimizing the risk of being designated as a security.

Gardens builds on prior and parallel efforts of Commons Stack, Block Science, Moloch, and Aragon.

Rinkeby Demo Org

We have a demo org for testing and education purposes running on Rinkeby, you can interact with it and test all of the various functions. If you get stuck feel free to pop in our keybase or discord and ask questions.

Minting test tokens (Step 1)

In order to perform some of the actions in the Gardens org you will need some test tokens. This is a Rinkeby DAO that allows anyone mint themselves HONEY tokens. Just go to the tokens app and mint tokens for yourself.


Go to the most recent test org deployment (Step 2)

This is a Gardens DAO deployed to Rinkeby where you can use HONEY to acquire OGT (org tokens) to explore the marketplace, conviction voting, and redemptions.


About the Rinkeby Demo

Conviction Voting

