💁‍♀️ Summary

Summary of the problem you're solving, the impact and the approach to building a solution

Gardens is a social, financial, and technical foundation for online communities to organize collectively around causes, social movements, or even memes. It enables anyone to form a community, but does not give any individual any special rights, privileges, or authority within that community. Gardens are designed to be operationally decentralized and autonomous from day one, enabling them, based on our interpretation of the "Hinman Test", to take advantage of tokenization while minimizing the risk of being designated as a security.


Add in any additional context that might be useful.

👩‍🎤 Users

User Personas

User Stories

User story format: As a user persona, I want goal so that some reason.

👩‍💻 Implementation


Tech spec

Gardens Template

Mocks / Design


Other requirements