FastDL, short for "Fast Download," is a system used in certain games to efficiently distribute custom content to players. With FastDL, server administrators can set up a separate web server to store custom files such as maps and sounds. When players connect to the game server, they download these files directly from the FastDL server, reducing loading times and enhancing their overall gaming experience.

To use FastDL, you will need to set up a web server on your node where the daemon is installed to serve the content in /home/wisp/fastdl-data. In this guide, we'll show you how to set up Nginx to do so.

You can install Nginx by using your OS' respective package manager, but in this case, we will assume you're using Ubuntu.

apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx

After installing Nginx, you'd need to configure it to serve the /home/wisp/fastdl-data directory, which you can do by creating the following file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/wisp.conf:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    server_name _;

    root /home/wisp/fastdl-data;
    autoindex off;

Then you'd want to run the following commands to enable the config and apply the changes:

<aside> 💡 This command will disable the default Nginx configuration, so if you use it for something, you'll need to make changes to your setup.


rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default && ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/wisp.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wisp.conf && nginx -t && nginx -s reload

FastDL should now be accessible on the server IP. Note that the directory listing is turned off, meaning you can't directly view or scrape all of the FastDL files in your browser for privacy reasons, and you may need to open port 80 on your firewall.

You can view /home/wisp/fastdl-data/<uuid> to verify that FastDL is syncing, or alternatively temporarily set autoindex on and restart Nginx to test through the web browser.

You may also have to configure the egg to detect FastDL resources properly. You can do this by going into the panel, navigating to theAdmin Panel → Service Management → Nests, finding the desired egg you want to configure, and setting its Custom Configuration.


<aside> 📢 Your server's egg must be inside a nest with its identifier set to srcds for the FastDL option to be available on the Panel. See Egg Configuration for egg-specific features.
